Friday, March 1, 2013

When I read about politics

Just four words into an article ( and I can’t deal with politics. Why is this? “President Obama placed blame…”
Placed blame. BLAME. ARE WE CHILDREN HERE? First of all, do not go pointing fingers. That will not change the situation nor will it earn you any respect. I thought these were dignified adults we were dealing with. Oh right, there is a difference between a dignified adult and a politician. Don’t get me wrong, I like to believe that humans really do try to make the world a better place. That’s one of my goals. However, that doesn’t mean we execute bettering the world very well every time we try.
As has been in the news, there is this whole sequester ordeal. Most people are cool with it, but it appears that Obama is not entirely happy with it (from what I've read anyway). From what I can fathom from the situation is that our federal spending has gone way up. The deficit has significantly grown as well. Sequester cuts, which are basically budget cuts, have been put into effect. My dad shot me this cartoon that sums up the situation more or less:

Also, people are saying the sequestration came from the White House. Whether it did or not does not hold any relevance. Don’t blame someone else when things are not going your way. Fix them yourself.

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