Friday, March 15, 2013

Freedom and Traveling

Recently (two months ago now, but the feeling is still new) I acquired a most valuable piece of identification: my driver’s license! I no longer was on a permit requiring an adult in the car. Even better, my parents provided me with a nice little Bug, along with some Harry Potter stickers to put on the windows.
One of the best things about getting your license is indeed the sense of freedom and responsibility that goes with it. You are no longer bound to need a ride to hang out with your friends or head to wherever it is you cause mischief. This little three inch card with a picture of you on it grants you a new frontier to explore. Having been a military brat the first twelve years of my life, having gained a means of independent travel is amazing. I spent years going from state to state, and even getting to live in Europe twice. Getting behind the wheel, merging onto the highway, seeing the open road in front of me. Every single time, I’m imagining the countless adventures that lie ahead.

I love traveling. I mean, so do most of the world’s population it seems, but still. I came home from studying in Spain for four months. Barely a month after I’m home and I have my license, ready to go on another adventure. It’s an addiction. When most people are going hard on Reddit, I’m on Google Maps or I plan routes, check out flights, find hotels. I know that most of my adventures won’t happen for a while, but I love just sitting in front of a map, finding yet another place I want to visit or live in.
Another thing I have grown to love: learning languages. I was raised with English and Spanish. For three years, I lived in Italy, and had to learn Italian. I’m currently trying to learn Mandarin Chinese. I still have a list of languages I want to have a basic understanding in. And then there is all the culture that comes with language and traveling. I won’t even get started on that.
It’s really incredible everything there is out there to learn. I’ve been lucky to have experienced all that I have so far. Now that I can drive, I'm already planning a great many road trips. As I like to say, adventure awaits!

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