Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Most people have that one thing that sits in the corner of their desk. It lurks, whispering behind the ears and watching your every move. It requires your attention, and you know it. It is not frightening at all, but the fact that it just sits there without speaking while still having your full attention is annoying. Why can’t it just go away and let you catch up on the Super Amazing Project on YouTube? Sometimes it’s cool to observe. When you do get to it, you enjoy it. But all of five seconds of effort to get that one thing started and finished? Ew. This can be classified as…procrastination.
Such a lovely word we are taught never to give into. Procrastination is the enemy of success, although on a rare occasion it can create some awesome skills (as discussed here). VERY rare. I, like so many of the human race, have fallen prey to this terrible habit. However, I only procrastinate about half the time now. I used to be one of the “let’s wait until the night before and complete the project literally six hours before the school starts”. I thought this led to my brain having the most creative of ideas since I would have had more time for my brain to accumulate cool stuff and…don’t use that excuse. Ever.
The past year, I have had to step up my game. Being a Slytherin comes with an ambitious spirit. So of course, the list of things I want to accomplish is perhaps longer than what is humanly possible. And when I have to juggle college classes, high school, an internship, and my ever-teetering pile of projects, procrastination is not my friend. Because of all the stuff I do, I was pushed into setting this thing up called time management. So far, it has worked quite well.
And now to describe the thing, the ‘it’ I described in the beginning of this post. My 'it'. Right now, 'it' is one of my long term projects, a project where I am writing a story. Yes, the end result would ideally be a book, but at the moment it is going nowhere. I know what I want to write, but for some unfathomable reason, I keep pushing it off to the side. COME ON BRAIN. In writing this post, I hope to get back in gear. Set aside at least twenty minutes a day to write and brainstorm. That is my goal. Now to get that started… Don't let procrastination take the best of you.

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