Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why Enthusiasm is Vital to Success

Most of us will have these streaks of what we deem success that are followed by periods of doom and gloom. For a month, you could be acing all of your courses in school, or making incredible headway in your novel. Everything is going your way, and life is perfectly balanced. Light is left in your footprints and the path ahead is simply electrifying (in a good way). But then, of course, it seems that you lose the favor of Fortuna, leaving you to crawl off into Gollum's cave. One thing falls through, creating a despicable domino effect, and causing you to throw your hands up in the air. You. Are. So. Done. With everything. Run.

What's nice about this terrible week or two is that it comes to an end. However, until you manage to pull yourself out of it, it feels like you're drowning in neglected responsibilities. Literally, reality almost seems like too much to handle. This tends to lead to marathons on Netflix, which aren't even fun when there is an ever-growing list of to-dos on your mind. Just thinking about what must be done is painstaking. The former vigor with which you might have been writing a story, or studying, or anything really, just goes poof. All desire to accomplish much of anything is no where to be found. It's like a writer's block, but impacting every single aspect of your life.
How do you escape? Sometimes, after enough wallowing in the mess that is your life currently, the darkness just ebbs away. But more often than not, it's a matter of finding that one thing that gives you purpose. Taking a day off from all responsibilities is incredibly rejuvenating, but this does not mean sitting in your basement all day doing nothing. It's a day to enjoy some of the finer things in life. Whether it be taking a walk or brewing some fresh coffee beans, doing these small things without having to think of anything else de-clutters the mind. Having the mind clear allows you to think of the things most important to you and then--click. The most impressive thing humans have to show is hope, and this hope leads to happiness, which brings about a renewed enthusiasm for whatever life has in store. Then you are unstoppable once again.
From my experience and the experiences of others, I've learned that enthusiasm is key to success. It is vital that when one is struck by an idea, in order to carry that idea out into the world, they must pursue it with a passion. That is why some wise words to live by (from none other than Doctor Who) are these:

"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams."

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